Local Fun

As well as all the exiting activities we provide at Thirtover Place there is also a vast collection of things in the local area. Below are listed a few of these options to help with your upcoming visit and planning.

Will come to us or are close enough to walk to in the village:

Outdoor Academy have a range of additional activities including a mobile climbing tower and caving system. https://www.outdooracademy.co.uk/

Geocaching: There is a great route around Cold Ash taking in some the the amazing countryside we have around us. It is approximately 5km long with the option of picking up other Geocaches along the way. You will need you own GPs devices or use the Geocaching app on your phones. https://www.geocaching.com/play

Within 15 minutes of driving:

The Living Rainforest: A great day out enjoyable by all (and warm!) Tickets must be booked before your visit. https://livingrainforest.org/

Nature Discovery centre: A great place for a trip out with walks around the lake, walks trough their wetlands and reedbeds as well as a great playpark and visitor centre for free. https://www.bbowt.org.uk/explore/visitor-centres/nature-discovery-centre

West Berkshire Museum: West Berkshire Museum is the ideal place to come and learn about our local area. With Free entry (donations accepted) there is plenty of things to see. They also have a great range of talks and events on thought the year. https://www.westberkshireheritage.org/west-berkshire-museum

4 Kingdoms: A great day out with loads of fun, rides and animals! 4 Kingdoms offer group discounts, do get in touch with them to find out what they offer! https://4-kingdoms.co.uk/

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